
Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

How to Eat Subway Sandwiches in a Healthy Way

How to Eat Subway Sandwiches in a Healthy Way

Think Subway sandwiches are healthy? Well, compared to most other fast foods, it's probably healthier. People have reported significant weight losses under a "Subway diet." But you need to be careful. Subway sandwiches can seem deceptively healthy because we're constantly told how healthy these are. Here are some tips to ensure that the sandwiches you eat are indeed healthy.



    First and foremost, don't accept any cheese in the sandwich. It's very tempting to have cheese, but the fat and caloric content will make it less healthy. It's kind of like starting out with a bowl of healthy salad but then adding globs of cheese crumbs to it. So, lose the cheese and you'll eat much healthier.


    Similar to cheese, try to have the sandwich without any mayo or other mayo-like dressings. Stick with just mustard or no dressing at all. Again, this is very much like starting out with a healthy salad but then adding globs of greasy dressings. Get rid of the dressings and you'll be eating much healthier. If you absolutely must have some dressings, ask for a light version (low calorie, low fat, etc.).


    Typically, Subway asks if you want oil on your sandwich. Say "no!" Oil will go to your mid-section, your butte, your thighs, and anywhere-else you don't need it. Your body will thank you for not accepting the splash of oil at the end.


    Along with meat sandwiches, try to mix it up with vegetables. That is, try to have vegi-sandwiches once in awhile. Also, ask the preparer to use half the meat and to add more vegetables. That will further help to cut down on calories and fat content.

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