
Senin, 08 Juli 2013

How to Ease Stomach Rumbling

How to Ease Stomach Rumbling

If you've ever heard a noise that sounds like a rattling garbage truck emanating from the direction of your stomach, you know how disturbing a rumbling stomach can be. Don't fear. While some stomach noises may be a sign of a problem, most are simply part of normal digestion and easily treated or go away on their own.

Eat Something

    If you haven't eaten in a few hours, the noises you hear coming from your stomach are probably your body's way of preparing for food. According to Dr. Michael Picco of the Mayo Clinic, when you're hungry, your brain tells your intestines and stomach to start producing digestive fluids in anticipation of forthcoming food. These liquids, combined with the contractions your intestines start making when they're expecting food to arrive, may account for the noises you're hearing, so eating even a small snack will quiet them down.

Ease Your Gas

    Rumbling can be caused by gas trapped in the gut after a meal or drink. Once you have gas, the best solutions are to either wait it out or take an over-the-counter gas reliever. You'll find a variety of gas-fighting products on the market, but none of them are 100 percent effective at ending the bloating sensation and noises that gas causes. Ask your doctor for a recommendation if gas is a common problem. In the future, cutting back on dairy products and high-fiber foods can help you reduce gassiness.

Take It Easy

    Stomach rumbling isn't always a part of normal digestion. According to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, this symptom can be a sign of gastroenteritis, which is the official name for an upset stomach. You may have eaten or drank something that was contaminated with a virus or bacteria, or your body could be fighting off some other infection. If you're experiencing other symptoms like nausea, cramping and diarrhea, taking a few days to rest at home and following a bland diet -- think chicken broth and dry crackers -- can help, though it's also wise to consult your doctor.

Other Solutions

    If a rumbling stomach is a common part of your life, make an appointment with your doctor. Hyperactive, or overly active, stomach noises can be caused by issues like food allergies or conditions including ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease. In most cases, a combination of diet changes and medications will help you feel better. Don't assume these conditions are causing your stomach rumbling if you don't have any other symptoms; if you don't experience stomach pain, diarrhea or fever in conjunction with the noises, they're probably the result of normal digestion.

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