The liver and kidneys are two of the filtering organs in the body and each remove waste and debris from the body. The liver filters out poisons and other harmful substances, while the kidney's main function is cleaning the blood. Both these organs are very important to the overall health of the body. A person can live without a spleen or appendix, but if the liver or both kidneys become seriously impaired, a transplant may be needed. Keeping the liver and kidneys clean helps these organs do their jobs more effectively. Detoxifying is one way to keep these organs clean.
Drink Water
Drinking water flushes out all the organs in the body, including the liver and the kidneys. Each day you should drink at least 64 ounces of fluid, according to experts. The fluids can be water, herbal teas, vegetable juices and fruits juices. Any healthy fluids are good for cleansing the liver and kidneys. Try to cut down on caffeine or alcohol drinking during the detox. Fluids also help to dilute any toxins or poisons in the body and keep the body hydrated and running smoothing. Drinking water is one of the best ways to detoxify the liver and kidneys.
Exercise to Detox
Exercise helps both the liver and kidneys. With exercise you burn fat. By exercising, you also reduce the chances of getting a fatty liver, which can lead to diseases. Exercising also reduces the amount of fatty substances in the blood that the kidneys have to filter out. Most toxic substances in the body are stored in the fatty tissues. Burning fat removes a large amount of toxins. Aerobic exercise is the fastest way to burn fat. Walking, running, swimming, rowing and dancing all get the heart racing and the muscles moving to burn the fat. Any exercise that builds up a sweat also helps to detoxify the body. Sweating removes toxins and wastes through the pores of the body.
Take Herbs
Herbal remedies are often used for detoxification and cleaning out the body. Milk thistle is one of the best herbs for cleaning the liver. Turmeric, burdock root and dandelion as good herbs for the liver. Uva Ursi is probably the most recommended herb for the kidneys. Kelp, parsley, juniper berries and ginger as good herbs for the kidneys as well. Most of the herbs for the liver and kidney are available as supplements and/or teas. You can purchase them online or in health food stores.
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