
Senin, 09 September 2013

The 10 Worst Foods That Make You Gain Weight

There are plenty of foods to avoid when dieting, but everyone should avoid eating these foods. The top 10 worst foods to make you gain weight are not only horrible for the waistline, they are horrible for your general health as well.

Chocolate-Covered Donuts and Potato Chips

    Donuts have very little nutritional value to begin with. They are typically a fried food, which makes them even worse than simply containing empty calories. Adding chocolate on top of donuts creates one of the worst scenarios for weight gain. Potato chips are simply fried starch--everything you should avoid when on a diet. It doesn't take many of these thin wafers of fat to make you pile on pounds.


    Sodas have no nutritional value at all and are commonly loaded with sugar, corn syrup, and more sugar products. Between the caffeine and the sugar the "rush" of energy also triggers a rush of insulin released into the body.

Regular Pork Bacon

    Avoid all fried versions of food. Deep fat frying adds unnecessary fat to the food and clogs arteries as well as adding inches to your waistline. Bacon is the worst offender in the fried foods category because it is basically belly fat from the pig.

White Flour Products

    White flour products, including white bread and buns, are disastrous to your waistline. They are pure refined carbohydrates that have little value and boost your sugar levels, triggering an insulin release to help store the fat. As soon as that fast fix of sugar is depleted, you crash and your body screams for more sugar.

Whole Milk

    Whole milk is a great source of calcium and even protein, but it is also loaded with calories. It is always better to eat your calories rather than drink them in the first place because liquid calories do not leave you feeling full or satisfied. Drink nonfat or 1 percent versions to get the nutritional value of milk with fewer calories.

Sauces, Regular Salad Dressing, and Margarine

    Soy sauce tops the list because it is loaded with salt, but sauces and condiments are largely empty extra calories. Tomato-based sauces are worse than spice-based sauces such as mustard because they are higher in natural and artificially added sugars. Regular salad dressings are a particularly insidious food because they come on top of one of the most common diet foods: salads. Salads are good for diets, excellent for nutritional value, and fantastic for keeping pounds off, so people are often left wondering why the scale is going up instead of down. If your terrific salad is loaded with high-fat, high-calorie dressing, you are more likely to gain weight than lose it. Margarine is simply extra calories laden with trans fat to put on top of healthier food choices.


    Alcohol is tough on the system, but beer tops the list. It is high in calories, carbs, and fat for a triple threat to your waistline.

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