
Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013

Foods That Boost Thyroid Function

The thyroid, located in the throat, is a gland that controls metabolism by producing hormones. If the thyroid is disrupted or doesn't function properly, it can cause weight gain or loss and lack of energy. In fact, these are symptoms doctors look for to determine if someone has a thyroid condition. Certain foods, though not medically proven, may boost thyroid function.


    Sea salt, if unrefined, contains small amounts of minerals that may help a thyroid operate more efficiently. Regular table salts usually does not contain other minerals besides sodium and chloride. Mineral water may also help or vitamin with the minerals selenium, zinc, magnesium and copper. Kelp is high in iodine, which is another mineral that may boost thyroid function. Iodine supplements are available at pharmacies and vitamin stores.


    The body needs foods rich in vitamin B6, vitamin B2, vitamins C and E to produce the thyroid hormones. Foods rich in these vitamins are oranges, strawberries, almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, tuna, salmon, turkey, clams, milk, pork and mushrooms.

Foods to Avoid

    Avoid cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage. Even though these items might be high in vitamin C or E, they have progoitrin, which slows the absorption of the thyroid hormones. Kale and mustard also have this substance. Many of these foods are good for you so don't avoid them entirely.

    Eat foods without gluten because gluten has been linked to thyroid issues. Eating foods that do not contain gluten, which is a wheat protein, may restore the thyroid to normal levels. This would mean avoiding breads, crackers, cakes, or anything with wheat as an ingredient. However, many products these days are made gluten-free.

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