
Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

Severe Gas Pain Relief

Severe Gas Pain Relief

Gas pains often are marked by of involuntary or voluntary belching or flatulence. When pain becomes severe, your abdomen may feel as if it has sharp, jabbing pains. Sometimes bloating may accompany gas. According to the Mayo Clinic, an average person may expel gas between 10 to 20 times in a day, which is normal. It isn't normal to have chest pain, fever, nausea and vomiting, or pain that doesn't subside. If you experience these symptoms, seek medical attention. Otherwise, there are treatments for gas relief.



    In many instances, the culprit of gas pain can be your diet. Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and asparagus can cause gas. Fruits like prunes, apples, pears and peaches can also form gas within the intestines. According to the Mayo Clinic, fatty and fried foods create bloating, and can delay your stomach from emptying food. Cutting back on these kinds of foods can decrease gas symptoms.

Limit Dairy

    Dairy Product Milk

    Some people are unable to digest lactose. You can substitute dairy products with other products like Lactaid to help resolve gas symptoms. According to the Mayo Clinic, if you eat dairy with other food items, it can help with easier digestion of the dairy product. However, if you still have issues with dairy, dairy products should be taken out of your diet entirely.


    Beano is intended for the relief of gas production. It should be used with your first bite of food and if you're eating beans or vegetables. According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, Beano has an enzyme that is able to digest sugar in beans and vegetables. Beano works best if your intestines have not already built up gas. Beano does not work if the gas is caused by lactose or fiber.

Other Treatments

    Other treatments include lactase supplements, simethicone or activated charcoal. Supplements such as Dairy Ease can help with gas if you are lactose intolerant. Simethicone helps break up gas bubbles. Products such as Mylicon, Gas-X or Mylanta all contain simethicone. Charcoal tablets also can help with gas pain and must be taken prior to and directly after eating to be effective. Charcoal Plus can be purchased at natural food markets.

Preventive Methods

    Eating smaller meals can help reduce gas symptoms. Activities that allow you to swallow in large amounts of air, such as chewing gum or gulping down food instead of eating slowly, can create large amounts of air pockets to build within the intestines. According to the Mayo Clinic, eating during stress can impede the digestion process, so try to eat in a relaxed environment. Exercise such as bicycling also can help alleviate gas pain.

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