
Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

How to follow the 4 Hour Body Diet

How to follow the 4 Hour Body Diet

The 4-Hour Body Diet was invented by writer Tim Ferriss. After 10 plus years of interviews and self-experimentation he came up with a fairly simple diet, which if you follow, should help you lose up to 20 pounds of fat in a month.



    Don't eat white carbs. This means things that are white or could be white, like rice, bread, potatoes, tortillas and breaded fried food. Overall you are going to want to cut your simple carbohydrate intake to almost none.


    Eat simple meals made up of lean proteins, beans and vegetables. No fruit is allowed on your dieting days. Ferriss also recommends eating something fermented everyday, like kimchee or sauerkraut.


    Take one day off per week. This is your binge day and you can eat and drink whatever you want. Ferriss recommends this be on the same day every week and says it is not optional. Giving your body a boost of calories helps keep your metabolism high.


    Drink one to two glasses of red wine a day if you choose to. Ferriss loves wine and has found that this does not hamper success on the diet.

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